Key issues
Accessible overviews of key current issues for library technology
Accessible overviews of key current issues for library technology
“Jisc Library Hub Discover exposes rare and unique research material by bringing together the catalogues of major UK and Irish libraries. In a single search you can discover the holdings of the UK’s National Libraries (including the British Library), many university libraries, and specialist research libraries. This service replaces Copac and SUNCAT, providing access to a growing range of library catalogues, with a new interface style and updated search facilities, with more changes in the pipeline. Library Hub Discover is one of three services built on the Jisc National Bibliographic Knowledgebase, a growing collaboration with an increasing number of libraries contributing to the shared database, to benefit the academic and broader research community as well as local library activity and developments. The other services are:
WHELF signed a contract for the ExLibris Alma solution in December 2014. This followed from the Welsh Shared Service Library Management System Feasibility Report. Jisc February 2013.The Project outputs were:
By August 2016 all nine universities in Wales, together with the National Library of Wales and all National Health Service libraries in Wales, were using the same cloud-hosted library management system and discovery layer, Ex Libris/Clarivate Alma and Primo.The WHELF (Wales Higher Education Forum) Shared LMS project consists of eleven members:
These eleven institutions, spread across nearly ninety library locations, have around 600 library staff, 170,000 customers and approximately ten million bibliographic records.
Whelf Interlending Scheme** : “In January 2018, WHELF members came together to launch a scheme of free, reciprocal, inter-library borrowing. This was made possible by our shared use of the Ex-Libris Alma Library Management System, which allows us to use core system functionality to lend print and digital resources to each other, free of charge. The scheme has been an amazing success, in 2022 the member libraries saved over £44K in total. As well as the undoubted financial benefit, it has also led to much greater co-operation and knowledge sharing between participating institutions.The scheme proved so successful, that in 2021, with the backing of Ex-Libris and the British Library, we began rolling out membership to non-WHELF institutions (hence the ‘+’ in ‘WHELF+’!). There are now nearly twenty institutions, covering a good geographical spread and a wide range of teaching and research specialities, reaping the benefits of WHELF+ membership; and, with more institutions expressing an interest in joining, and the potential of using new Alma functionality to automate processes further, the scheme has a bright future.”
Current WHELF+ members:
Aberystwyth University
Bangor University
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cardiff University
Harper Adams University
Kingston University
London School of Economics
Natural History Museum
Northumbria University
Swansea University
University of Cumbria
University of Leeds
University of Liverpool
University of Salford
University of South Wales
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
University of Westminster
University of Winchester
Wrexham University