Learning & teaching tech - market overview

Reading / resource list market share

More information about the reading / resource list solutions currently available and their functionality are included in the reading / resource list section of the Learning and teaching pages.

Below is a visual summary of the development of the reading / resource list solution market between 2017 and 2024. The market in UK HE is dominated by 3 products: Talis Aspire, Leganto (Ex Libris) and Keylinks (Kortext)

Reading list market share 2017 - 2024

Reading list market share 2024

Digitisation solution market share 2024

The below market overview refers specifically to solutions for managing the workflows around digitising published content for distribution to students as part of learning and teaching. Such software is based around ensuring compliance with the Copyright Licensing Agency Higher Education licence which is used by UK HEIs to allow copying and distribution of published works for use in learning and teaching.

Many of the institutions not using such software will be using manual workflows for managing licence compliance and will be adding digitised content direct to virtual learning environments.

Digitisation market share 2024

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