Self service: useful resources

Below is a collection of useful reports, websites, blogposts etc. relevant to different aspects of library self-service:

A Librarian’s Guide to RFID Procurement.

Mick Fortune BIC & NAG (rev) 2016

The document is in four parts.

Part One offers a sample template for the buyer to set out the scope of the project, explain how it fits within the existing ICT infrastructure, detail any future requirements that may need to be considered, give a detailed description of the existing library service and provide any additional information that will assist the supplier in making their best offer. Specific details relating to aspects of the procurement may either be included in this section or at the head of the relevant section in the main text of the specification.

Part Two sets out the key areas of concern that should be addressed by a potential supplier. It covers both the broader aspects of credibility, experience and durability one should expect from any supplier as well as specific points relating to RFID deliverables. Each section is introduced bya brief explanation of its importance and relevance followed by guidance for the librarian in providing relevant information to the supplier that should ensure mutual understanding. Finally a list of sample questions –that may need to be amended to reflect your particular circumstances –is offered for you to begin drafting your requirement.

Part Three offers an sample template for suppliers to submit costs.

Part Four offers a simple model for evaluating supplier responses.

RFID Primer

Lori Bowen Ayre. Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group

An introduction to RFID in libraries including explaining and why the standards are so important. A US focus.

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