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Pages by tag


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Title Section
Product directory
Archives and special collections
Market overview Archives and special collections
Useful resources Archives and special collections

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Artificial Intelligence

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Title Section
Product directory

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Collection development

Title Section
A new age for library metadata? Past webinars
Collection development tools
Useful resources Collection development tools

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Collection management

Title Section
A new age for library metadata? Past webinars
Collection development tools
Useful resources Collection development tools

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Controlled Digital Lending

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Title Section
CRIS / RIMS Research management
Who uses what
Market overview Research management
Useful resources Research management
Who uses which research system? Who uses what

Back to top

Current research information system

Title Section
Product directory
Who uses what
Useful resources Research management
Who uses which research system? Who uses what

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Data & analytics

Title Section
User engagement
Useful resources User engagement

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Title Section
Digitisation Learning and teaching
Product directory
Who uses what
Learning and teaching
Market overview Learning and teaching
Useful resources Learning and teaching
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

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Back to top


Title Section
E-textbooks Learning and teaching
Product directory
Learning and teaching
Useful resources Learning and teaching

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Electronic resource management

Title Section
Discovery systems Discovery

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Enquiry management

Title Section
Product directory
Market overview User engagement

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Title Section
E-textbooks Learning and teaching
Product directory
Learning and teaching
Useful resources Learning and teaching

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Title Section
HELibTech webinars

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Institutional repository

Title Section
Product directory
Who uses what
Institutional repositories Research management
Market overview Research management
Useful resources Research management
Who uses which research system? Who uses what

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Title Section
British Library Resource sharing and interlending
Commercial document delivery Resource sharing and interlending
Controlled digital lending Resource sharing and interlending
Product directory
HELibTech briefing papers
Resource sharing and interlending
Resource sharing Resource sharing and interlending
Useful resources Resource sharing and interlending

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Title Section
Product directory
Who uses what
Institutional repositories Research management
Market overview Research management
Useful resources Research management
Who uses which research system? Who uses what

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Learning & teaching

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Library management systems

Title Section
A new age for library metadata? Past webinars
SCONUL Future of the Systems Librarian survey News
Product directory
Core library systems
Who uses what
HELibTech briefing papers
Library service platforms Core library systems
Market overview Core library systems
Mobile apps Core library systems
Open Source Systems Core library systems
Procurement Core library systems
Shared systems Core library systems
Useful resources Core library systems
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

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Library services platform

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Library systems

Title Section
A new age for library metadata? Past webinars
SCONUL Future of the Systems Librarian survey News
Product directory
Core library systems
Who uses what
HELibTech briefing papers
About HELibTech
Library service platforms Core library systems
Market overview Core library systems
Mobile apps Core library systems
Open Source Systems Core library systems
Procurement Core library systems
Shared systems Core library systems
Useful resources Core library systems
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

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Title Section
Product directory
Core library systems
Who uses what
HELibTech briefing papers
Library service platforms Core library systems
Market overview Core library systems
Mobile apps Core library systems
Open Source Systems Core library systems
Procurement Core library systems
Shared systems Core library systems
Useful resources Core library systems
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

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Title Section
Early Access Customers Begin Testing the AI Metadata Assistant for Alma News
Product directory
Core library systems
Who uses what
HELibTech briefing papers
Library service platforms Core library systems
Market overview Core library systems
Mobile apps Core library systems
Open Source Systems Core library systems
Procurement Core library systems
Shared systems Core library systems
Useful resources Core library systems
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

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Title Section
Procurement Core library systems

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Title Section
Who uses what
Market overview Core library systems
Market overview Research management
Market overview Learning and teaching
Market overview Discovery
Procurement Core library systems
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

Back to top


Title Section
SCONUL launches technology survey - May 23rd News archive
Product directory
Who uses what
Market overview Core library systems
Market overview Research management
Market overview Learning and teaching
Market overview Discovery
Procurement Core library systems
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what
Who uses which research system? Who uses what

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Title Section
Product directory
Who uses what
Market overview Research management
Who uses which research system? Who uses what

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Reading lists

Title Section
Product directory
Who uses what
Learning and teaching
Market overview Learning and teaching
Reading and resource lists Learning and teaching
Useful resources Learning and teaching
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

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Research Data Management

Title Section
Product directory
Who uses what
Market overview Research management
Useful resources Research management
Who uses which research system? Who uses what

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Research Information Management System

Title Section
CRIS / RIMS Research management
Product directory
Who uses what
Market overview Research management
Useful resources Research management
Who uses which research system? Who uses what

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Research management

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Research metrics

Title Section
Who uses what

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Resource lists

Title Section
Who uses what
Learning and teaching
Market overview Learning and teaching
Reading and resource lists Learning and teaching
Useful resources Learning and teaching
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

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Resource sharing

Title Section
British Library Resource sharing and interlending
Commercial document delivery Resource sharing and interlending
Controlled digital lending Resource sharing and interlending
Product directory
Resource sharing and interlending
Resource sharing Resource sharing and interlending
Useful resources Resource sharing and interlending

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Title Section
Product directory
Self service
Market overview Self service
Reading and resource lists Learning and teaching
RFID Self service
Useful resources Self service
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

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Title Section
CRIS / RIMS Research management
Product directory
Who uses what
Market overview Research management
Who uses which research system? Who uses what

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Special collections

Title Section
Product directory
Who uses what
Archives and special collections
Market overview Archives and special collections
Useful resources Archives and special collections
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

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Technology market

Title Section
SCONUL launches technology survey - May 23rd News archive
Who uses what
Market overview Core library systems
Procurement Core library systems
Who uses what library technology? Who uses what

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Virtual Learning Environment

Title Section
Learning and teaching
Useful resources Learning and teaching

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Title Section
Learning and teaching
Useful resources Learning and teaching

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Who uses what

Title Section
Product directory
Market overview Discovery
Who uses which research system? Who uses what

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